If you own a swimming pool, it can seem like a fun past time for you and your friends. However, it’s important to realize that a home swimming pool comes with a lot of liability. There are many swimming pool injuries that happen each day in the United States. Those injured parties can hire a personal injury lawyer Los Angeles to sue you for negligence.

The amount of liability that a swimming pool injury lawyer can hold you responsible will depend on the specific setting of the pool. The laws are typically broken down into two different categories. These include private pools and public pools. Understanding the various levels of responsibility that are placed on the pool owner is a must to keep yourself or your business free from legal suits.

Private Pools
Private pools tend to have less responsibility on the part of the pool owner. A Los Angeles swimming pool injury attorney will build their case on the fact that the private pool owner didn’t provide a reasonable level of care. This could include not warning guests about dangers that are not obvious at first glance. This includes things like not mentioning a broken pool ladder or a pipe sticking out from under the water’s surface.

Another caveat to the private pool is that the owner may provide proper supervision for children who are near the pool. It’s always a safe bet to invite parents to help supervise pool use. Also, pool owners should use necessary precautions like pool covers and fences to ensure that children cannot gain access to the pool when there is no adult supervision to be offered while they’re swimming.

Public Pools
When it comes to public pools, the level of responsibility drastically changes. Those public pool owners are held responsible for many standards of safety that those who own a private pool are not. Public pool owners must have lifeguards on duty to protect the safety of those swimming in the pool. In most states, the desired ratio is one lifeguard per 100 patrons to the pool.

Public pool owners can prevent seeing a swimming pool accident attorney by having the right safety equipment on site and maintaining it. Just as with a private pool owner, public pool owners are also responsible for providing patrons with information about non-obvious dangers that could be potentially harmful to the patrons. Things like having a sign warning of no diving due to shallow waters can be extremely helpful in warning patrons.