Most parents are well aware of the fact that children are clumsy and prone to injury. However, some children can suffer from serious injuries. A child can be seriously injured at a park, school or daycare. It can be frustrating to see a child in pain from an injury. That is why many parents choose to contact our personal injury lawyer in Los Angeles after their child has suffered an injury.

Types of Injuries

Most children are able to recover quickly from injuries. However, injuries should still be taken seriously. These are some of the most common types of child accidents and injuries:

Car Accidents
Many children are injured because a car cannot see them. The car may back up and hit them. This is the top cause of death in children who are under the age of 14. It is a good idea to hire a car accident lawyer in Los Angeles if your child was injured by a car.

Animal Bites
There are 80 million dogs in America. Most pet owners are responsible, but there have been cases where dogs have bitten children. This can result in serious injury or death. It is estimated that 70 percent of people who are victims of dog bites are children.

Unsafe Playground Accidents
Even if children are supervised, they can still suffer an injury. Inadequate equipment maintenance, regular wear and tear, defective design and improper use are some of the causes of playground injuries. It is estimated that 200,000 children are treated at the emergency room for a playground injury.

Strangulation and falls are two of the most serious injuries. Other injuries include concussions, spinal cord injuries, broken bones and poisoning. If your child has been injured due to defective equipment or negligence, then you will need to contact a child injury lawyer.