PROTECTING YOUR ELDERLY from Neglect and Abuse

March 23, 2018

When our loved ones age and are no longer able to take care of themselves, we want nothing more than to take care of them and return the love that they showered on us when they were younger. With today’s busy schedule, it’s not always practical to keep our elderly loved ones at home. Some of them need twenty four hour observation so that they do not get hurt, others, have medical conditions that will need constant medical attention. In these cases, it becomes necessary to send them to a nursing home hoping that they will get the right type of help. But do they? It is true that,the elderly are prone to injury, the main issue is in deciding if these injuries could have been avoided or if they were caused by a person in a position of care, like a nursing home. WHAT IS A NURSING HOME? A nursing home is a private residence with health care facilities for the elderly. It is a place for those that are not sick enough to be in the hospital but not able to be at home. WHO IS AN ELDER IN CALIFORNIA? In the State of California, the elderly is anyone 65 and over. WHAT IS NURSING HOME NEGLECT OR ABUSE? Nursing home neglect or abuse can be described as the willful, knowingly,intentionally or negligently act in a way that causes harm to a vulnerable elder in a nursing facility by someone that owes them a duty of care. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF NURSING HOME NEGLECT? There are different types of neglect or abuse. They could be physical, mental, emotional, sexual or even financial. Some of the most common type of neglect in a nursing home are bed sores. It is true that the elderly are susceptible to bed sores because the skin loses it’s integrity as we age. Many elderly people have mental loss and cannot tell when they soil themselves. Bed sores can be prevented, if the caregiver moves the elderly to different positions so that they do not have pressure on their skin from remaining on one position. If the sore is due to moisture from lying in bodily waste, it is also a sign of neglect as the caregiver is supposed to check on the elderly in their care, making sure they are dry. When an elderly you know has bed sores, especially sores that have gone untreated or unnoticed, it is truly a sign of neglect. If you notice any elderly person abused or neglected, you owe them the duty to call the appropriate authority and later an elder abuse lawyer that you know. If you live in the Los Angeles area you can call one of our elder abuse lawyers to consult with them so you can start protecting the elder’s rights. When most people suspect abuse or neglect of the elderly, they are usually confused and do not know what to do. They are not sure if their suspicions are enough to make a case. This is what our elder abuse lawyers are specialized in doing. They sit with you and listen […]

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Assault and Battery: What’s the Difference?

March 5, 2018

You hear many times when watching the news or reading the paper about people who have been arrested for assault and battery. Even though you might hear this term quite often, do you know what it really means? Assault and Battery can be categorized in a few different ways depending on what has happened in the altercation. Here are the definitions of these different terms as they are shown in print. Assault The meaning of assault alone is when a person tries to attack another person or even shows the intention of harming another individual. You don’t even have to touch the other person to be charged with simple assault. If you or someone you know has been the victim of an assault you need to get a personal injury lawyer so that you can file a personal claims report as fast as possible to know what your options are in a court of law. A personal injury lawyer is going to help you get the best settlement in or out of court that you can possibly get. Assault & Battery Assault & Battery is when a person has the intent of harming another person and actually makes contact with the other person. The term battery is thrown into the phrasing when an attack was intentional and harm was done to the victim. If you have been the victim of an Assault & Battery then you absolutely need to make a personal claims report to your local police department and get yourself an assault and battery lawyer who is knowledgeable about personal injury law. This needs to be done in order to get the best possible verdict that you can get in a court of law. An assault and battery lawyer deals with these kinds of cases every single day and knows exactly what needs to be done for your particular case because they have seen them all and know exactly how to take your case. Aggravated Assault If a person uses a weapon on their victim than an assault charge can be raised to aggravated assault because the person intended to do serious injury to the victim. If this has happened to you then you need to get in touch with a lawyer immediately so that you can get the compensation and verdict you deserve. If you or anyone you know has been the victim of any of these cases, then you need to get in touch with us today. Our lawyers will stand up and fight you every single step of the way so that you can go back to living your life with confidence.

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TBI After Car Accident

February 20, 2018

Traumatic brain injuries can occur during a car accident, whether someone notices it at first or not. It doesn’t always take much for these injuries to happen, either, but they can occur in a minor accident. Car accidents that lead to these brain injuries can lead to death and severe brain damage. When the injury isn’t noticed until days or weeks after it has occurred people may suffer consequences. If you or someone you love suffered an accident and as a result had brain damage, contact us today for a free evaluation. Our brain injury lawyer is ready to assist you on your case. A brain injury can occur simply from the brain connecting with the skull. The one who receives the injury doesn’t have to get knocked unconscious for it to happen. The scariest of these injuries are the ones that go unnoticed and that cause real damage because of that. Injuries to the brain are serious and should be taken seriously. Our brain injury lawyer will make sure that those who have been hurt in an accident get all that they should for the damages that have been made to their brain after an accident. Our smart head injury lawyer has studied up on these injuries and how they can affect one’s life. Not only can a head injury lead to serious brain damage, but it can also lead to one’s death. Any kind of car accident that injures someone’s head should be taken to court or receive a large compensation from insurance companies to cover medical bills, suffering, and rehabilitation. Our head injury lawyer will know how to get the one who has been injured what they need to get through all that has happened. You will feel better knowing that you are getting help to fight back against the ones who have injured you or your loved one. These types of injuries show themselves through nausea, memory loss, and sleep disturbance, just to name a few of the symptoms. This is also much worse when it occurs to children. Parents need to look for the signs. The warning symptoms that happen after an accident should never be ignored. An injury like this is serious, and that is why they should get medical help immediately if they notice any of these symptoms after a car accident. This is also why they should find a lawyer who will fight this out for them so that they can get what they deserve from the ones who hurt them. Call today.

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Pedestrian Accidents: Who is Liable

February 3, 2018

When a person is hit by a car many people assume that the driver of the car is the one at fault for the accident. It is said that the pedestrian has the right of way, but this is not always the case in the court of law. In some cases, the pedestrian can be partly to blame for the accident. If a driver had an accident with a pedestrian, they should contact a car accident lawyer right away. They must file a car accident lawsuit in court. A hit and run lawyer in Los Angeles will look at the situation and the fault. In some cases, the pedestrian shares the liability for the accident. If a person was jaywalking or crossing outside of the crosswalk especially if they were not paying attention to traffic signals they may share the blame. A car accident lawyer will look at this and other facts. They will also take into consideration if the pedestrian was intoxicated and if they were walking along areas that are prohibited such as highways to causeway. If the pedestrian is even partly at fault there may be a car accident lawsuit that can be filed. Even if the pedestrian is found to be partly to blame for causing the accident the driver is often held at fault. State will look at the comparative negligence rule. They will adjust the amount of fault to each party involved in the accident. The injured person will receive less of a damage award based on the amount of fault they are found to be at for the accident. This can also be called modified comparative negligence. The injured party will be able to collect for damages if they are less than 50 percent to blame for the accident. A car accident attorney and a hit and run lawyer in Los Angeles can help determine the amount of guilt. There is also the contributory negligence rule that some states follow. According to this rule if a person is found to be at fault for contributing to any part of the accident they will not be able to file a claim against the other party. Both parties would be responsible for their own injuries as well as damages. They can go through their insurance company but not the insurance company of the other party. When a person is involved with a car accident with a pedestrian they should contact a lawyer right away. The driver may not be completely at fault for the accident and a lawyer can help them prove this.

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Dangers of Having an Aggressive Dog: Legally and Physically

January 12, 2018

Dogs are great at relieving built up stress in their owners but when negative instincts arise they can very likely become the root to a number of problems. Realistically, all dogs have the ability to behave aggressively at any moment but different factors can contribute to an unexpected out lashing. Some things that can bring about aggression include genetics, personality, socialization, dominance and overall, the current situation that is taking place. Signs of dominant behavior include staring, growling and snapping, the flaring of teeth, standing upright with peaked ears and low-range predator barking. It is important to always take special precautions when you are aware that you may have a dominant dog because he will likely attack without any type of warning. These type of dominant behaviors primarily take place in a male which is why getting your dog fixed will likely decrease any motives to attack. Training is also important. If you don’t want to have your dog trained professionally, it is very important to put in the effort to train him yourself. Any untrained dog has the potential to physically harm another dog, if not a human. Therefore, if your dog suddenly attacks after lashing out at another person or animal, you will personally be held accountable for his actions. Dogs that show extremely aggressive behavior towards a human or another animal can cause their owner to face the possibility of being sued for damages. In some cases, you may need a dog bite lawyer to keep your dog from facing the possibility of being euthanized. A dog bite lawyer helps fight for your legal right to be compensated if an unexpected attack causes you to have any type of loss for things such as medical bills, lost wages or pain and suffering. Some states have a “one bite policy” and if multiple incidents occur it opens up into a lawsuit. Furthermore, if a dogs teeth have come into contact with your skin, personal claims can help you qualify for an additional compensation. Many people have had personal claims detesting to the fact that they or a loved one have suffered traumatic injury due to a dog attack. This type of behavior does not go unnoticed.

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Ride Sharing Accidents: Who is Indeed Liable?

November 2, 2017

The ride sharing industry has witnessed a tremendous growth in the last couple of years. The market leaders Uber and Lyft have become part of major city transportation systems majorly due to the cheap cost and flexible routes. Ride sharing differs from traditional transport systems in terms of liability. Have you ever thought of what happens in the event of an accident involving a ride sharing company? Ride sharing companies maintain strict requirements that must be fulfilled by their drivers. Yet, the drivers are expected to possess an insurance that will cover their passenger when an accident occurs. The ride sharing companies are not liable to the passenger when an accident involves one of their drivers. Ride sharing drivers rely on their own insurance to cover their passengers. In recent time, the popularity of this new mode of transportation has made insurance companies have insurance policies strictly for ride sharing drivers. Whenever an accident occurs, you will have minimal coverage. You are left with an option of going after a claim from the driver’s insurance company. Your last option is to go after the ride sharing company if the driver’s insurance policy cannot cover your claims. In all these scenarios, without a ride sharing accident lawyer, you may be unfairly denied your claims. Ride sharing accident lawyers are your best bet in filing for claims and being compensated. They are experts with experience in seeking claims from insurance companies for issues relating to personal injury and ride sharing accidents.

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Issues Surrounding Child Injuries While Being Transported From Day Care Center

November 2, 2017

While being transported from a daycare, school, summer camp, or any other school activity, a child may be injured. It is quite logical for parents to seek compensation to help with the anguish, trauma, medical bills, and pain. The ability to seek compensation based on the legal right of the child will be determined by the circumstances surrounding the accident, the severity and the automobile coverage. Regardless of whether the accident is a result of the action of the driver, another driver or a comparative joint action, none nullifies the right of the child’s parents to seek compensation. When a child is injured, seeking compensation should not be the immediate course of action, but medical care for the child. The medical care may be covered by the automobile insurance, the driver’s insurance, and the daycare of the parents of the child. There are many challenges to the parent of an injured child. This is where a child injury lawyer comes into the picture to ensure compensation is made to cover medical bills and other expenses originating out of the injury and accident. Parents are advised to document all the medical bills of the injured child treatment. Insurance companies are always seeking loopholes to underpay the victims. This can be prevented with an expert child injury lawyer. Never rely on the judgment of the adjustors and the insurance companies, seek legal clarifications on the legal rights of the child in seeking compensation.

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Motor Vehicle Accident Involving a DUI Driver

November 2, 2017

Operating a motor vehicle with an alcohol blood level of 0.08% is punishable across the United States. Using the California as a basis, the Vehicle Code Section 23152 states that (a): “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.” This implies that every accident originating from the actions of a drunk driver is solely his/her responsibility and fully liable for incident. A DUI can be complicated if the driver fails to stop later causing an accident. It’s more like admitting guilt to the accident and will be treated by law on the two charges of drunk driving, and hit and run. When this occurs, it will be in the best interest of the victims to secure the service of a DUI accident lawyer to help seek compensation from the perpetrator. With a DUI lawyer, the case will be expertly handled to ensure the right of the victim is preserved. In a DUI case, claims can be filled if the victims sustain injury as a result of the action of the driver. This will be made possible with the expert opinion of a DUI lawyer who will stay on top of the case. Compensation will be sought from the victim’s insurance to cater for medical bills or property damage to the victim’s car.

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